The latest thing


"What's a man anyhow, if not alone collecting facts?"

I always felt indecisive about what results in a more virtous dharma: following the intrinsic motivation to create things and the pressure one puts on themselves purely because of this; or living the life embracing the insignificance of things, knowing we are just passing by, and being in peace with this reality. The former is what drove me to take on almost all my creative endevours and academical pursuits, and the latter is what made me feel comfortable mentally, when I needed it the most

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Building a listen-later app

I am a fan of music and I especially enjoy listening to full albums instead of just singles. It happens to me quite often that I hear a song that I like somewhere, and I'm very excited to listen to the whole album and discover the artist and their music. However, the music app that I use, Spotify, does not really have a convenient way of saving albums in a "listen-later" list. I can save albums to my library, but it's not really the same. And I had this issue for a while, but I just accepted it and didn't think much of it.

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Coding a Prismizer plugin

If you enjoy electronic music, you might have encountered the audio effect known as the Prismizer or the Messina effect.

My last year in uni corresponded to the time where I discovered Bon Iver's song Creeks, where he makes use of the Prismizer effect for the whole song. During my courses about Digital Signal Processing (DSP) or Analog Electronics, there would almost always be a point where I would just zone-out and start thinking about how you would implemenent that effect technically. As my Bachelor's finishing project, it happened to be that we were supposed to build an audio plugin, and I took this as an excuse to go ahead and give it a try myself. And well, in the end, I did have a working prototype that was good enough to get a pretty good score!

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